Week 1

Data and Database

Week 2

Data Modelling

Week 3

Relational Database and SQL

Week 4

Content Management System and WordPress

In week 1, I learned what the raw facts are and what information is in the database. Also, there were three different evolutions of systems. Manually compromised systems, such as files or records, and database systems, such as relations and rows.UML systems, such as methods and operations. Information process: data capture, data recording, data storage, data processing, and data output.Database management systems: DBMS is software that enables users to define, create, maintain, and control.DDl-data definition language, DML-data manipulation language. There are different components of a DMBS environment: hardware, software, data, procedures, and people. What are the pros and cons of DB systems? The advantage is the control of data redundancy, improved security, increased concurrency, and sharing of data. However, there are disadvantages as well, such as size, cost of DBMSs, additional hardware costs, performance, and a higher impact of failure. Database system studies: relational database modeling (ERM, UML); relational database programming (Relational algebra, MS Access, SQL); web development (XML, CSS).

In week 2, we learned about data modeling with ERM and RDM. Data modeling is an abstract method that originates from data extraction, data semantics, and the consistency constraints of data. Why do we use DTA modeling? Accurate presentation helps in database design, helps select appropriate database types, and reduces data system maintenance costs. There are three types of data models: the contextual data model, the logical data model, and the physical data model. Entity Relationship Modeling (ERM): It is usually used for conceptual data modeling. The purpose of ERM is to help create logical and physical data models and to help design a data system.RDN Terminology: Relation (A table with columns and rows), Tuple (A row of a relation), Attribute (A named column of a relation), Domain (a set of allowable values for 1 or more attributes), Degree (the number of attributes it contains), Cardinality (the number of rows/tuples it contains) and RDB (a collection of normalized relations with district relation names)

In week 3, we learned about SQL and the basics of SQL commands. Creating tables (CREATE), adding data with INSERT, viewing data with SELECT, removing data with DELETE, modifying data with UPDATE, and destroying tables with DROP.SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is a language used for formulating statements that are processed by a relational database management system (RDBMS), in our case, Oracle. Data types: binary, boolean, character, numerical, and temporal. I think knowing SQL is important in several ways, including for my studies and future jobs after graduation.

Week 4, was all about content management systems and WordPress, and I enjoyed it. A content management system is a computer application that allows publishing, editing, and modifying content, organizing, deleting, and maintenance from a central interface. CMS is typically the opposite of hand coding, which makes it much easier for everyone, even for someone who has less knowledge regarding CMS. The key futures for CMS are web-based publishing, format management, revision control, indexing, search, and retrieval. The CMS has two elements.A content management application (CMS) is the front-end user interface that allows a user, even with limited experience,se,. The content delivery application (CDA) compiles that information and updates the Web site. What are the capabilities of a CMS: delegation,document management, workflow management, and versioning? The advantages of CMS are its low cost, easy customization, ease of use, and good search engine optimization.Disadvantages are the cost of implementation, maintenance,tool mixing, and security. Some popular CMS are WordPress, MediaWiki, cade Server, and Liferay.

Week 5

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and User Experience (UX)

In week 5, it was all about human-computer interaction (HCI) and user experience (UX). The user interface is the point or points at which human users interact with a computer, website, or application. The goal of effective UI is to make the user's experience easy and intuitive, requiring minimum effort on the user's part to receive the maximum desired outcome and avoid errors. HCI and UX are all about making computers understandable, easy, and fun. There are three waves of values and methods regarding HCI. The first value is that human behavior can be predicted and standardized. Methods: Lab situations are set up to test human behavior against predictions.Second wave Values and methods: Values: people are experts in their own lives and work; people learn; and people should be asked for their ideas. Methods include contextual inquiry, participatory design, and interactive prototyping. The third wave values and methods. Values are Technologies are embedded in everyday life rather than experienced through a single interface. The user may be emergent rather than designed. Metdong are good questions! Ethical explorations. User Research methods include contextual inquiry, participatory workshops, observations, and interviews. Experimental methods are lab-based usability testing, such as when a design needs to already exist. They have the disadvantages of being expensive, time-consuming, and prolonging the development lifecycle.

Week 6

Cyber Security Essentials

In week 6, I was introduced to cybersecurity, which I will study in the future. This was my favorite class, by the way. I already had research and knowledge regarding cybersecurity, and I did my studies before joining the university. But there is still a lot to learn. Cybersecurity is the ongoing effort to protect individuals, organizations, and governments from digital attacks by protecting networked systems and data from unauthorized use or harm. Always needs to protect data both online and offline. Hackers can get data from anywhere.out data stored on an everyday basis, even when we click on a single pop-up button.Medical records, education records, employment records, and financial records. Smart devices: Wearable technologies such as smartwatches and activity trackers collect your data for clinical research, patient health monitoring, and fitness and wellbeing tracking. Identity theft, medical theft, banking—the list goes on. The 7 layers of cybersecurity are mission assets, security, security, security, and the human layer. There are a few types of hackers, like amateur hackers, who are script kiddies who are just curious; others are trying to demonstrate their skills and cause harm. Hackers: White-hat hackers: break into networks or computer systems to identify any weaknesses so that the security of a system or network can be improved. These break-ins are done with prior permission, and any results are reported back to the owner. Gray-hat hackers may set out to find vulnerabilities in a system, but they will only report their findings to the owners of the system if doing so coincides with their agenda. They might even publish details about the vulnerability on the internet so that other attackers can exploit it. Black-hat hackers take advantage of any vulnerability for illegal personal, financial, or political gain. organized hacker: These attackers include organizations of cyber criminals, hacktivists, terrorists, and state-sponsored hackers. Hacktivists make political statements to create awareness about issues that are important to them. I like the activities in the session regarding virtual machines and using the Linux operating system.

Week 8

Internet of things (IoT)

Week 9

User Experience (UX) Design

In week 8, I have learned about the Internet of Things (IoT). The Internet of Things is the network of physical objects or things" embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and exchange data. It allows objects to be sensed and controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure, creating opportunities for direct integration between the physical world and computer-based systems and resulting in improved efficiency, accuracy and economic benefit."Things," in the IoT sense, can refer to a wide variety of devices, such as heart monitoring implants, biochip transponders on farm animals, electric clams in coastal waters, automobiles with built-in sensors, DNA analysis devices for environmental, food, and pathogen monitoring, or field operation devices that assist fire-fighters in search and rescue operations. These devices collect useful data with the help of various existing technologies and then autonomously flow the data between other devices. How IoT works starts with RFID: To identify and track the data of things; Sensors: To collect and process the data to detect changes in the physical status of things; Smart Tech: To enhance the power of the network by devolving processing capabilities to different parts of the new work; Nanotech: To make the smaller and smaller things have the ability to connect and interact. There are challenges regarding IoT such as scalability, interoperability, discovery, software complexity, data volumes and interpretation, power supply, and fault tolerance. I have been introduced to the packet tracer; this is similar to the tinkercard I used in my robotics class. I enjoyed making things work using a packet tracer.

Week 7


Week 10

Data Science Fundamental

In week 7, I was introduced to robotics and embedded systems. The class was very intense and interesting. It was great to see and play with the simple concept of robotics. While listening to the teacher, I loved that we can create and help people with disabilities, such as deaf or blind people. We can create interactive tools and games for them. Also, I have researched a little further, and what amazed me was that I found a person who created a plastic hand with a wrist sensor for individuals who lost their hands. I saw the video, and it was heartbreaking for me. Was amazing. I have been introduced to something called Tinkercard. This program is a real-time simulation platform. It was a great piece of kit, to be honest, and I still use it to play around. One of the tasks in the class was to create an LED light with a small computer board and code it to make it blink. At that point, I realized that robotics was not for me because I just could not get around and make it work. I enjoyed it.

In week 9, I attended a user experience design (UX/UI) and implementation class. I experience user interfaces in my everyday life, and even if I see them, I still do not know if they can still be a user experience design. I talk about things like parking signs, dashboards in cars, headphones, and the list goes on. Not every design helps individuals. The design needs to be well-organized and informative. One thing I can mention that is well designed is the subway map, where all the lines go and come from in London. The user experience is designed to be user-centered. The goal is to design artifacts that allow users to meet their needs in the most effective, efficient, and satisfying manner. Involve all types of products and services; for instance, consider the design involved in a museum exhibition. Human-Computer Interaction is focused on the interface between people (users) and computers. information flows in one direction or two. The user interface needs two key UX needs: interactions, look and feel, and access. Seven factors that Influence User experience: Useful, usable Fidnable, credible, desirable, accessible, and valuable. The % Dimensions of Interaction Design. 1D: Words such as button labels should be meaningful and simple to understand;2D Visual Representations: graphical elements such as Images, Typography, and icons that users interact with;3D: Physical Objects or Space a laptop with a mouse or touchpad.Smartphone with the user’s finger. 4D: Time refers to media that changes with time (animation, videos, sounds)—the amount of time a user spends

In week 10 lesson was all about Data Science Fundamentals. Data science is Building or locating large data sets. Data science engages technical ability, mathematical knowledge academic skills, and creativity. Data science's first step is planning. What information do I have? What additional information do I need? How much information do I need? How do I intend to re-use the data? The second step is finding data sources. The best approach is to go for an online database or search engine typing keywords for the exact information we wish to find. The third is finding data. Nowadays we can search for individuals mostly easily through social media, posts, etc. Applying the RADAR test to help to be more successful. RADAR stands for Rationale, Authority, Date, Accuracy, and Relevance. Rational questions such as What purpose does the content serve? Authority such as: Is the publisher or author reputable? Data such as Information can easily become obsolete. Accuracy: Even reputable news sites can be compromised. Relevance could ask: Are you sure that the information you select is relevant to the point you are making? This was introduced to Data visualization which provides help in making sense of big data, making data understandable, and making it easier to make evidence-based decisions. Finding data we could ask such as: What story are you trying to tell? What data is important? Is it in machine-readable format? Is it free to use? Creating a visualization: Know your data and start with a basic visualization, Choose the right chart type and use colour, size, scale, shapes, and labels to direct attention to the key messages. Overall the lessons were useful to me for my future studies as a Cyber security professional knowing how to research properly.